New file added - Divinity: Original Sin 2 - End Times - Fane gives the world to the God-King

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New file added - Divinity: Original Sin 2 - End Times - Fane gives the world to the God-King

Post by DigiBot »

I just added a new file to my website!

Title: Divinity: Original Sin 2 - End Times - Fane gives the world to the God-King
End Times is the final quest in Divinity: Original Sin 2. The player decides the fate of the entire world. I am playing with Ifan, Sebille, the Red Prince and Fane. Fane is sworn to the God-King, who demands all of the source for himselve - like in the good old days.
And who am I to deny the request of my king? It was a very tough fight, though. All of your companions leave you and become hostile. And you have to fight against Lucian's party and Braccus Rex. So you alone versus everbody else. Before the fight I removed the equipment of all of my companions. Otherwise I didn't stand a chance.
I skipped some of the dialogues to keep the video short, but you can of cause pause the video and read them if you like.
I used "Blood Rain" and "Grasp of the Starved" to deal massive damage to Dallis and therefore forced the summoning of the Kraken by Braccus. Braccus then did most of the work for me and dealt with the rest of Lucians and Fane's companions. They however also got in some good hits on Braccus! The last ones standing were the Red Prince and Lucian, who both died on Damage over Time effects. :)
To you, my God-King, I give this world!

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