New file added - Diablo IV - Tomb of Hallows Dungeon

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New file added - Diablo IV - Tomb of Hallows Dungeon

Post by DigiBot »

I just added a new file to my website!

Title: Diablo IV - Tomb of Hallows Dungeon
The Tomb of Hallows is one of the new dungeons that was introduced in the 2nd season of Diablo IV, the Season of Blood. This is a dungeon related to the new season story. The player has to visit it for the "Summons of the Deatless" season quest and explores it together with Hunter Erys in search of Magistrate Oren. When they finally find Oren, they can only wittness him being killed by Vampires. Afterward Erys decides to go back to Ked Bardu to gather more information. And the player explores the rest of the dungeon to finally meet the Vampire Lord Zir, who tries to bring the player to his side, but fails.

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